MIITA 日本研發設計以【機能、安全、舒適】為使命。用多年的專業經驗與精湛工藝來呵護小嬰兒新生命的誕生。細心製作符合機能、舒適、簡約、安全的用品滿足每個家庭。 背後雙釦與前片雙口袋的設計,除了防護還具便利性,居家或是工作皆合適穿著通過工研院檢測,有效避免電磁波的危害,無色、無味、無汙染、無任何化學添加兼顧機能性、照護性,材質柔軟、金屬纖維持久,全程滴水不露的防護,保障媽咪與寶寶的安全
尺寸 M/L
- EMF PROTECTION. Guards your body against EMF’s whilst remaining stylish. Allows you to protect on the go whilst remaining inconspicuous.
- 99% SHIELDING EFFICIENCY. With up to 43dB of shielding efficiency you can rest assured that this hoodie is protecting you.
- PROTECTS AGAINST WIFI & CELLPHONE RADIATION. Proven protection against the radiation given off my WiFi, cellphones and other wireless devices.
- MADE IN THE UK. Made from high quality fabrics in the UK. We have been working in the field of EMF’s and actively developing products since 2004.
- WASHABLE. This hoodie can be washed on a gentle cycle up to 30 times without losing any shielding efficiency. It can be washed many more times after that but will begin to lose some of the shielding.